Friday, October 9, 2009


Prejudice and discrimination are negative manifestations of integrative power. Instead of bringing or holding people together, it pushes them apart. Prejudice and discrimination produce effects in the psychological, social, political and economic domains. Whether intended or not, the effects are compounded by loss of self worth, a sense of alienation from the wilder society, political dis empowerment and economic equalities.

One of the most destructive types of prejudice is based on someones race or cultural group. The United Nations uses this definition of race in all its important documents relating to race issues, "Race is a social group based on the physical differences of skin tone, hair texture, and facial features. The differences contribute to our uniqueness and humanity. Because people can be grouped by any number of physical differences (height, foot size, resistance to certain diseases

Beside that, discrimination occur in British Society as Themes in Pygmalion. These themes uphold the idea of equal opportunities of wealth and education to all, despite class and gender. The social barriers and class divisions are shown through the characters in Pygmalion. Exposing the difference between a flower girl and a lady and a dustman and a gentleman, Shaw conveys the transformation between the realities in which two of characters encounter. The themes of social class language and education, and appearance verses reality are few among the many themes mentioned in Pygmalion.

As conclusion, discrimination give more negative effect to develop of society, because that mean, value of humanity must be fair in all aspect, examples, education, economic , social, and more than. Now day, discrimination should to abolish and give new opportunity to an other people.

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